Arbor Demon

Arbor Demon

Directed by Patrick Rea
Runtime minutes
Released 2016
IMDb Score: 4.1

They Wait in the Dark

They Wait in the Dark

Directed by Patrick Rea
Runtime minutes
Released 2022
IMDb Score: 3.6

The Empty Acre

The Empty Acre

Directed by Patrick Rea
Runtime minutes
Released 2007
IMDb Score: 4.2

I Am Lisa

I Am Lisa

Directed by Patrick Rea
Runtime minutes
Released 2020
IMDb Score: 4.0

Now That You're Dead

Now That You're Dead

Directed by Patrick Rea
Runtime minutes
Released 2009
IMDb Score: 6.6

The Last Butterflies

The Last Butterflies

Directed by Patrick Rea
Runtime minutes
Released 2023
IMDb Score: